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Windsor Team Care Centre

What is Team-Based Care

Our team of interdisciplinary professionals care about one thing only: supporting you to meet your health and wellness goals. The team will use their expertise and work with you to develop a plan of care.

When you consent to treatment by our team of professionals, you can be certain that they will collaborate to give you the best coordinated care possible. This means that they will communicate with each other, and your primary care provider when needed, in relation to the issues you present and how best to address your goals. This is an important part of the team-based care model.

The Windsor Team Care Centre supports solo practicing primary care providers in Windsor. The Windsor Team Care Centre provides care for patients aged 16 and up at no cost and is funded by the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care through the Windsor Family Health Team. We support a variety of health care needs, with a major focus on mild to moderate mental health, addictions and other complex health care needs.

“The team surrounded me like a warm blanket. Everything you describe that you are going to do for your patients – you really do!”

– Doreen, Former Team Care Client

Windsor Team Care Centre Team Photo

Clients referred to the Team Care Centre must:

  • Be 16 years old or older
  • NOT be currently involved or receiving any counselling/social work services elsewhere.
  • HAVE exhausted all EAP/benefit coverage for services.
  • NOT be seeking services focused on concerns related to schizophrenia or a psychotic disorder.
  • NOT require specialized based services, which can be accessed in the community (i.e.: Treatment focused on Sexual Assaults, Eating Disorders, Dementia)

Our Team

Mental Health

Dr. Russlan Abouhassan, Psychiatrist
Caitlin Haugh, Nurse Practitioner
Paulina Ives, Nurse Practitioner
Jenny Vasquez, Registered Practical Nurse
Marie Kubwimana, Counselor, MSW RSW
Olivia Greenhow, Counselor, MSW RSW
Sara Mayrand, Counselor/Registered Psychotherapist
Taryn Duffy, MSW RSW


Derek Roberts, Canadian Certified Addiction Counsellor
Elizabeth Lalonde, Canadian Certified Addiction Counsellor


Sonia Filice, Registered Dietitian

Lung Health

Desiree O’Halloran, Registered Respiratory Therapist

Foot Care

Stephanie Nikolic, Registered Practical Nurse

Musculoskeletal Health

Daniel Szymanski, Registered Kinesiologist

Low Back Pain Rapid Access Clinic

Anna Fiorito, Registered Physiotherapist
Morgan Belleau, Doctor of Chiropractic

Clinical Reception

Mira Pio
Hannah Facchina
Liana Giles

Nurse/Health Promoter

Katie Chittle, Registered Practical Nurse

Clinic Director

Ron Sheppard

Community Partners

Windsor Team Care Centre (WTCC) has a number of formal arrangements with community partners to provide services to Team Care Centre patients. These providers offer treatment on behalf of us.

You are still a WTCC client if you are referred to one of these providers. Each provider is bound by our policies and commits to provide you with the same quality of care you receive at the Windsor Team Care Centre.

Family Services Windsor Essex

Short-term counselling services

Family Services Logo
Windsor Essex Community Health Centre

Foot care assessment and treatment

weCHC Logo

Each logo is an interactive button that will take you to the respected organizations website.

Additionally, we work with community partners to co-deliver and/or connect our services to provide the best possible care and outcomes for our shared clients. These include:

Post Hospital Transitional Mental Health Wellness

Windsor Regional Hospital – Windsor Team Care Centre provides time-limited transitional care for clients referred by Windsor Regional Hospital after a visit or stay for mental health care.

Logo Windsor Regional Hospital

One Team Recovery Outpatient Substance Abuse

One Team Recovery is provided through a partnership between Windsor Family Health Team: Team Care Centre, Family Services Windsor Essex, Windsor Essex Community Health Centre, and Essex County Nurse Practitioner Led Clinic and is funded by the Ministry of Health and the Windsor-Essex Community Foundations.

OTR is a community-based recovery program for those with a substance use issue who are ready to begin steps towards moderation or abstaining from use.

Click here to learn more.